Thursday, October 1, 2009

Outbox: Next steps

To: RP-all staff
From: Darcy Ages
Subject: Next steps

Dear friends,

From the preliminary information I’ve gathered from you all and from the police, it doesn’t seem that anyone is seriously injured. I am so relieved that you are all safe, but if you or anyone around you starts to exhibit symptoms of trauma, please seek aid ASAP. We will have an onsite doctor in room 907 for the next week—walk-ins welcome.

Thank you all for your hard work since the attack earlier today. Yes, I used the word “attack.” Many bystanders, I’m sure you know, noticed suspicious activity just before the freak storm, and the police do not believe that the three bolts of lightning that struck the building were natural occurrences. They are investigating the possibility of rogue supers.

Rogue supers. If those words send a chill down your spine, you aren’t the only one. Even the youngest employees here are ReginaPro are old enough to clearly remember the Firestorm Siege, and some of you were already adults in the days jut after the Great Awakening, when it was almost commonplace for supers with newly discovered powers to break laws and endanger those around them for their own selfish benefit. I for one am very grateful for the work of the National Super Coalition, which has successfully prevented such attacks for many years, and I look forward to cooperating with them in every way possible as they investigate this dangerous behavior.

The police still have no idea why any rogue supers would attack us, though. W may just be the random victims of a deranged mind. However, if anyone can think of a possible motive (or, even better, suspects for this crime) email me directly and I will be in immediate contact.

Until we know more we will be continuing with business as usual. However, our chief of security will be implementing emergency protocols and regular drills in the next two weeks. We will all do our best to cooperate with his plans.

Again, I thank you for your loyalty. I know we can get past this together.

Darcy Ages

(Continue to Brook's blog.)